DataSaker is an observability solution that monitors and analyzes the resource status necessary for
software service development and operation. With DataSaker, users can enhance observability across
various system areas, including Host, Kubernetes, Database, Application, and Log.
Provide Observability for
Infrastructure, Database,
Application, and Log
Kubernetes Environment
Monitoring Support
Analysis Environment
Provide Custom-
designed Dashboard
By integrating and managing various data outputs from IT systems,
you can promptly identify problem situations and analyze data efficiently through horizontal movement and drill-down capabilities.
DataSaker offers comprehensive metrics for monitoring the health of Host Machines. Users can easily access key indicators through metrics.
In the realm of modern architecture, containerized applications have gained significant traction. DataSaker collects essential data from applications deployed as containers, providing valuable insights and information.
Kubernetes has become synonymous with Platform as a Service(PaaS). In cloud-native architectures, Kubernetes is widely used for application deployment and management. DataSaker ensures reliable application operation by monitoring and analyzing Kubernetes environments.
DataSaker collects and analyzes database queries, offering key indicators for stable and efficient database operation.
Logs are vital metrics in IT systems, providing crucial information for analysis and troubleshooting. DataSaker facilitates efficient log collection and search, empowering users to gain insights from various log sources.
APM is an indispensable tool for measuring application performance. DataSaker leverages OpenTelemetry-based APM analysis to assess system performance, diagnose issues, and optimize application performance.